Sunday, July 11, 2010


spain won the world cup. life is beautiful.

so, it turns out that i will not be attending college in nyc this year but i won't be far. 15 minutes away via an on-campus train? i'll take it and keep my credits to transfer next year. mind you, i got accepted into every nyc school i applied to but no, the fates smited me and made something as meager as a 2-point-off math SAT score to keep me from attending the affordable college of my dreams. next year i plan to empty my family's pockets at the expense of a new york university education as revenge. marymount manhattan is a close second.

as for now, i'm still living here. until move in day, august 29th.
it's been too long.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


today is my birthday and i feel exactly the same. so sad.
i'm looking forward to college more than ever now. new york, here i come.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


i wish we had good television like the uk does. i've been watching this show called misfits from over there and it's honestly brilliant. the synopsis sounds ridiculous (teenagers performing community service get struck by lightning and attain supernatural abilities) but it's really more meaningful than that. it's a bit graphic, which is probably why we don't have shows like skins and misfits in america since we can't handle teenage mischief, but it's hilarious and really compelling. not to mention they have a pretty good looking and talented cast.

but enough plugging since i'm not even getting rewarded for it.
  • the wait is unbearable. college acceptance/rejection letters don't come back until april. well, the big colleges, i guess. i should find out from the state schools, cuny, and drexel soon. i'd be happy with those.
  • i need a new ipod. and a new macbook. next year i'm selling this piece of junk tablet our school gave us. i'm pretty sure i've wiped the hard drive 12 times within one and a half years.
  • i need to learn how to make stouffer's macaroni and beef. i also need to write more. two completely opposite topics, i know.
i'm tired. all the time. i love sleeping but during school days i can never get it. i'm going to start closing this laptop at nine pm. haha. that's a crock.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

what an amazing movie.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


accents are so beautiful. i honestly wish wish i had one. why couldn't i have been born somewhere exotic like sydney or paris or rio? i'd even be happy with a british accent, considering they're all equally luxurious.

i picked up a bottle of revlon colorstay makeup today, and i'm thinking i really like it. i mean, i'm dying to get my hands on some makeup forever hd but i'll settle for revlon for the time being. apparently they've come out with their own sort of hd foundation called "revlon photoready" but from the reviews i read, it has sparkles/shimmers in it and doesn't really last long, so i'm not too interested in getting it. it comes with a pressed finishing powder eerily similar to mufe's loose finishing powder, i just hope revlon's is 100% silica and not fine milled garbage.
  • i'm going to apply to a scholarship that seems to be made for me. hopefully i get it, but i won't divulge any further.
  • david henrie is gorgeous. i think i'm in love with him. somewhat.
  • i can't wait to get my blackberry. i won't get it until march but that's my birthday so it's understandable. i'm thinking the blackberry tour, considering verizon doesn't have the tour and the new curve is atrocious. i mean, it doesn't even have a trackball, come on.
  • food network is back! god, i'm so happy.
i'm exhausted. i need to start doing yoga again. or pilates. whichever makes me proper fit.
don't mind me, i just love talking like i'm british.


spain, te quiero.

Friday, January 22, 2010

look alive

i want to live in manhattan and just emanate her. the september issue is such an inspiring documentary. it's my dream displayed vividly on film.

i hate that can't stay consistent. didn't i promise myself i would update this blog more? i did, didn't i. i can't even keep promises to myself.

i'm really stressed out. i've been getting so many headaches and i'm unsure of whether it's something like a tumor or if it's just the hellish result of a hectic senior year. senioritis is awful, by the way. that's the eternally sad part. it's creeping over me like carbon monoxide, just waiting until i feel safe before it completely takes over my body and mind. i hate it. i need to resist it.

the future is a bit scary, isn't it? i'm afraid i won't have everything i want in life. actually, it's not just fear, it's downright terror. i'm more than suburbia. right? oh, by the way, i got rejected from penn early decision. the wound is still a bit raw, but i'm coping with the loss.

books, books, books. i need more books. i need to write more as well. get started on that novel that "the beautiful life" carbon-copied? maybe i shall. right after i finish all my dreadful financial aid forms for college. it's so irritating, this whole college application thing. i'm ready to just settle for cuny hunter (which wouldn't be too awful, at all) and call it a day.